Sunday, June 1, 2014

Black River and a Welcome Home

If there is one trip that is planned and talked about all year for the guys, it would have to be their Black River trip. Unfortunately, it is a guys trip and I pretty much don't have a prayer to go, except I know I would have more fun than most all of them combined. I understand though. A guys trip is just not a guys trip with girls. Conrad and Phoebe got to ride down with them and spend time with their Grandma Bigelow... or Grandma Far as they call her : )

No trip goes perfectly for them, but I believe thats half the fun for them. It seems when they come back and tell us stories,  there is always a broken down truck in it and a lot of laughter. Always great fishing though. But boy do they have fun and are creating great memories together, that I hope continues. We had fun times with the girls and made wings to welcome them home... no leftovers.

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