Tuesday, November 15, 2011

abby's quilt

There really is nothing like making a quilt. After hours of hard work and dreaming of the finished project, it is finally ready to be washed and placed in the dryer, where the magic happens. It comes out puckered up, soft and oh so perfect! I think Abby is delighted with it.

Abby is working towards her Young Women Recognition Award at our church. It is something that takes a lot of hard work and commitment on her part as she develops the skills and values that will bless her throughout her life, along with the lives of those around her. Using her Personal Progress book, she sets goals and tracks her progress. She works on many small projects in each of the 8 Young Women values, along with one large project in each area also.

Throughout this time, she is also encouraged to pray, read the scriptures, go to church and partake of the sacrament, live high standards, serve others and keep a personal journal.
Participating in this program helps a young woman make and keep commitments as she sets good personal daily habits that will be a strength throughout her life. I can see her growing as she develops her talents and learns new skills. I can also see how they have strengthened her faith and testimony of Jesus Christ as she realizes she is a daughter of our Heavenly Father and will 'stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things, and in all places.'

[Faith] Planted and cared for a vegetable garden, made meals using the vegetables
[Divine Nature] Made a quilt for her bed
[Individual Worth] Still deciding...
[Knowledge] Plan Meals, shop and make meals. Cooks with Katie once a week.
[Choice & Accountabilty] Was a youth leader at girl's camp
[Good Works] Working on a family recipe book
[Integrity] Bought a 'too short' dress that she loved and added material to the length to make it modest
[Virtue] Read the Book of Mormon



Kat said...

Abby - your quilt is beautiful. Way to go! Miss you and love ya.

The Ashtons said...

Beautiful, Abby!

Becky said...

I love the colors of your quilt and can just imagine it on your bed. It's beautiful(but not as beautiful as you♥) I'm so proud of the young woman you are!