Sunday, July 18, 2010


Each day this summer I think... I WANT TO GO CAMPING! With Larry's school and the tightening of our payroll at Pebbles, a length of time away is not a possibility right now. So, we grab the moments when time and our energy level is good. Southfork canyon is one of our favorite places to go nearby to escape. Yesterday, we had an early picnic dinner, a light nap on the blanket, threw the football & Ultimate Frisbee and playing in the creek... homemade rootbeer floats when we got home. It was a good time.

With help from the guys, I moved my too-large collection of photo albums and boxes of photos / shelves downstairs. A project still unfinished, it weighs on me always... I feel a little defeated that I have yet to finish. Until time frees up, I am going with the out of sight, out of mind concept right now and lowered my bar :)
Love, Brenda


Chocolates for Breakfast said...

yippee for lowering the bar! (sorry Pres. HInckley, but that is only so we can "raise the bar" in the areas that really count!)

Becky said...

That Ransom is crazy, bet that water was so cold he got a brain freeze...A day up at SouthFork was just what everyone needed, some R&R. As for the photos...You've been trying to organize those photos for over 25 years. About time to give it up. If you don't get to them, the girls can do it one day. Relax Sis. You've got enough on your plate:)