Thursday, July 8, 2010

Can we go fishing?

I took a break from my schedule of late... Pebbles, home, Pebbles, home and went fishing with Josh for a couple of hours. Didn't catch anything other than some fresh air and it felt wonderful. We are thinking about adding some fishing trips to Strawberry and Provo River here and there. Everyone is invited... but I will take home and eat all your fish :)
Love, Brenda


Becky said...

Sometimes fishing isn't about catching the fish, though I admit catching a fish is tops! Just being out there on the lake enjoying our world and being with Josh. He sure loves the outdoors. Bet it brought up childhood memories of our fishing days...

Chocolates for Breakfast said...

I think that should me scheduled in every week and NEVER apologized for! ... so darn cute that you two would do that!

MSmith said...

Yes, I want to go fishing. Vicki and Kerby fish too.