Saturday, June 19, 2010

Yard Sale For Five

Our joint pile has been growing and a good weather Saturday finally came along so the girls could unload it. I think there must have been a gabillion yard sales today and ours ended up being pretty slow... $43.70 each! They did get slushies out of it! We all feel relieved that our homes and rooms are clear of unneeded things and everything left over was taken to Deseret Industries... how we collect it all through the years, we have no idea. Never again :)
Love, Brenda

1 comment:

Becky said...

I sure love my girls! I'm sure Deseret Industries was pleased to get such a big donation. Garage sales are big here in TN with lots of garage sale followers. Did you put your sale in the paper? PS. I the my red rug in the boys room.