Sunday, June 14, 2009


Josh is settling in, new facial hair and all. I laughed when his Grandma said he is in the 'I'm growing facial hair because I can' stage. It feels like we are on vacation just because he is here... but this time he gets to stay. It's nice having him back.

It felt like a busy Sunday. Lindsey surprised us and made a new recipe 'coconut chicken' for dinner. Some gave it a thumbs up, others not quite liking it... same response with the fancy new pasta salad from the Bare Foot Contessa I made. Still, it felt good to try something new. Sometimes it feels like we make the same 10 things over and over again. My favorite part of the day are always our talks around the kitchen table. We played four square. The cold weather feels like early April here... We are getting Abby ready for our church's Youth Conference Pioneer Trek Wednesday-Saturday. Conrad is not feeling good and is content just being near his Mom.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Welcome home Josh. Love, from Tennessee.