Sunday, May 17, 2009

Seminary Graduation

Tonight was Seminary Graduation for Kelsie. She has taken an LDS religion class for the past four years with other high school students to study the Old & New Testament, Book of Mormon and Doctrine & Covenants. She has loved Seminary and her testimony of our Savior has grown through the years. We pray she will stay close to the Lord and will find strength, peace and joy in Him always. Brother McDougal talked about the five steps that a graduate can follow which will help bring them lasting happiness throughout their lives... good advice for all of us.
1. Pray sincerely
2. Repent always
3. Forgive others easily
4. Keep the Lord's spirit with you
5. Be grateful for everything

We love you Kels!


Chocolates for Breakfast said...

Congrats Kelsie...what a beautiful grad!

Becky said...

You're more than beautiful, you're radiant... and that smile shines God's spirit in you. I love you.

bulkleybunch said...

congratulations beautiful kelsie! i love you so very much! hurray for you!