Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yucky Clumps

Our family is divided. Half like the tomato clumps and the other half have to pick them out, always leaving warm piles of yuckiness on the plate. Sometimes, they are so intolerable that they have to be placed on the napkin near the plate... as in Abby's case. Pitty whoever is sitting by her. If they are not paying attention, Abby will quickly place the unwanted piece of food onto their plate and continue eating... as if it were a gift.


Kat said...

This made me smile. =) Abby - love you tons!

Becky said...

I'll take the tomato clumps! Remember the time Brad, Bonnie and you (I'm guessing you were all in it together) spiked my meat with peppercorns? I had left the table to use the bathroom and came back to my plate, plopping the piece of meat (filled with peppercorns) into my mouth. I still remember it!!

Heather said...

Hi! This is the site I found the flower pins for sale. http://handlespout.com/ I'll let you know when I figure out how to make them. I'm sure my Mom could probably figure it out. She's good like that. :)

bulkleybunch said...

way too many yucky clumps abby, i would have done the same thing! love you!