Monday, March 10, 2014

Becky Time

My sister Becky is here for a week after the wedding and once again, life completely stops. Life is perfect. Today is our rest day from the wedding: We got a new bishopric at church with brother's Axelguard, Huish and Kidman. They will do a great job, though we will sure miss Bishop Brown muchly. We watched a movie, quick naps, crock pot roast, walk to the park, doughnuts (of course) and a good card game of Canadian Salad.  Larry surprised me and got me the set of Downton Abbey and we watched our first episode, leaving me to believe it may be a Downtown Abbey kind of week... it's that good.

I think they call this the spider. Conrad loves his Aunt Becky!

Becky has a new friend in Phoebe

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