Sunday, January 26, 2014

wedding plans

The wedding plans have begun. Date is set for March 7 for the evening reception and then the wedding and luncheon the next morning. We love the idea of a reception the night before. It lets them focus on their vows on their wedding day, have lunch with family and close friends, then leave for their honeymoon with energy. When everything is crammed into one day, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and not enjoy the day... that would definitely happen with both Kelsie and Josh. We get their opinion about everything... after all, it is their day and then we carry it out as best we can. We like to think of it as our gift to them and try to keep things as stress free as possible for them. This week was filled with list making, painting a flower cluster for their announcement, donut taste testing, thrift store shopping and painting frames... so far so good. 

1 comment:

Becky said...

I love the picture of the flowers you painted. I can't imagine being creative enough to design wedding announcements! What I love best is the picture of your hand and the memories it brings to mind :) Sure miss you. PS. The donuts look favorite is an apple fritter! Try and have some fun amongst all the stress!