Sunday, December 8, 2013

thanksgiving day

This Thanksgiving is extra special. All of Larry's siblings are here while we prepare to celebrate his Mom's 80th birthday the day after Thanksgiving. What a big group we have! We miss those that are unable to make it and also Austin and Tyler on their missions.We know we have so very much to be thankful for and we give thanks to God for everything. It was a nice day filled with non-stop visiting and more than plenty of good eating. We cooked the turkeys, dressing and gravy and mashed potatoes and took them over to Larry's Mom and Dads. Crazy as it sounds, I love the preparing of Thanksgiving dinner. The smell of the kitchen, nesting at home and listening to Christmas music... most especially the making of the dressing. I still follow my Mom's detailed instructions and think of her. Years ago, my Mom would always leave a container of unbaked dressing on the counter for me to nibble on. Mmmm! This year we sent dried leaves to Tennessee to Becky for her table, each signed by one of us. My heart is never far away from hers. Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Our Thanksgiving celebrations are so different across the miles yet so similar, especially where our hearts meet. Love you and thought of you all day long. I'm so thankful you are my sister♥