Saturday, November 26, 2011

tree farm

We met for Larry's family pictures today and while we were out that way, we quickly went afterwards to cut down our Christmas tree before going to Kristen's for Ashlee's baby shower. We found the perfect one right away [with lots of pinecones] and everyone agreed. Unusual for us. To think we have been walking by this one for years until we looked up. Larry & Paul went for hamburgers afterwards and the girls headed to the shower. Last year... Becky was with us and Lindsey was getting married to Tyler. This year Lindsey is all tanned and freshly back from their trip to Aruba :)


Becky said...

It seems like yesterday I was there helping you pick your tree. I saw the pine cones and immediately thought of Ashlee how she likes a pine cone on her tree...Welcome home Lindsey. Thinking of you all at the shower and wishing I could be there, but my heart is...

Cristina said...

looks like so much fun!
what tree farm is this & where is it? we've been searching for a good one but havent found one yet!

Birrell Family said...

Hi Cristina
I think it is the Beck Christmas Tree Farm. Just barely as you head up towards Alpine, after the old four way stop (now a signal). I think the Blue Lemon is on the left and gas station on the right? It is tucked in a neighborhood on your left side maybe a half mile north? They are $50.
If you get confused, just stop at the gas station and they can give you instructions. Good luck!

Cristina said...

thanks brenda!