Thursday, November 24, 2011

thanksgiving day

I woke up to Thanksgiving Day without it feeling like Thanksgiving. Not sure why, it just was. Larry and Abby hung up the Christmas lights outside. Josh sent an email that said he arrived in South Africa and it was crazy cool place and that made Kelsie so very happy. We made stuffing for the turkey's and picked out the music for the end of the year family slide show before heading over to Larry's parents for dinner. All seven of his siblings are here this week... and their home is filled to the brim... brothers & sisters, grandkids, cousins. My mind has been in a hundred places lately...

I think of the many blessings and answered prayers of this past year...
Tyler & Carter have come into our lives. Conrad is just fine after nearly drowning. Kelsie got into the UVU Nursing Program and Tyler was just accepted also. Phoebe came to us this year. Abby is doing great in school and even working a day here and there at Pebbles. Larry got a job at American Fork Hospital and is moving forward in a new line of work. Becky & Ethan got to come out for a visit. Josh just left for a mission to serve the people in South Africa. Ashlee & Paul are having a baby boy end of January. Larry's Mom is home from the hospital after fighting an infection from a tooth and we are grateful that both she and Joe worked through some pretty tough health problems this year and are getting stronger. Our close friend just finished his 6 month milestone of being sober... I see God work in the lives of our friends and neighbors with different challenges. And in the times that a prayer does not appear to be answered for any of us, I see patience, hope, faith and a deeper leaning on the Lord.

I know our lives are filled with answered prayers each day, many that we take for granted, many that we just don't see as blessings at the time. Yes, this year has been filled with long work hours and being stretched thin and some yet to be answered prayers, but all in all I thank the Lord for everything. God is good.

Larry & Brent had the honors of cutting the ham and turkey...
Joe oversaw their work this year

Truth be told, I panicked a little with the gravy. Ashlee has become our gravy maker and she was with Paul's family. Kelsie took control and together we made the most wonderful gravy... It helped to have the drippings from two turkeys :)

Joe dipped up the mashed potatoes for everyone and was the very last to fill his plate. I think he liked to spend time with each person...

Same age cousins Austin, Abby, Kami and Tyler are now 16

Mike & Larry (yes on tippy toes)

1 comment:

Becky said...

Got up early and the first thing I did was check your blog. Looks like you had a wonderful thanksgiving also... filled with lots of family! We have so much to be thankful for in our lives. I'm thankful to have you as my sister♥