Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Earning $$$ for Wasington DC

Abby gets to go with a small group of OHS history students to Washington DC this fall with her history teacher Reggie Reese. A few of her friends are going which will make it extra fun. She is so excited! Years past, we were able to treat the girls to this trip. Now in this economy? We can pay half and she has to earn half. I know. It isn't fair... but life isn't always fair and in our favor. Thankfully, she has pitched in with very little complaining and is doing odd jobs around the house to help earn money... Thank you Abby!


Kat said...

Way fun, Abby. Miss seeing you. Have a great time when you go. Love ya!

Bigelows said...

Looks like I owe Abby some money because she is wiping off my kids fingerprints and face marks!

Becky said...

Wow. I've never been to Washington, DC. What a great opportunity. Even though you may not know it now Miss Abby, when you help pay towards the trip, you'll value it so much more. Way to go Abby.

Birrell Family said...

That's a good one Katie :) I love the little hands and faces that leave the marks!