Thursday, April 7, 2011


Life can change in an instant. The most important things in our lives can sometimes get lost in the day to day busyness and we think things will always stay the same and never change. And then the phone call comes and we hold our breath and pray... priorities instantly pop back into place and we see life very clearly once again. Larry's Dad went into the hospital on Sunday and was thankfully released on Wednesday, feeling & looking much better. We are all getting older and with that comes a deep gratefulness for so many things. What I value now, I took for granted in my younger years. I feel like this is a gift life gives us every so often. I like the softer side of Joe as he has gotten older. He sometimes seemed crusty through the years, yet he is so tender on the inside. The thing I admire most about Larry's parents is the love they have for their family. We can see it, we can feel it. They gave me my Larry and the girls. I thank God everyday that they are my family.

Home sweet home and organizing his medicine


MSmith said...

I too have been blessed with amazing parents and in-laws. It is tough worrying and watching them adjust to those things that come with age.

Becky said...

Good thoughts and insight on life sister. Life is always changing and never standing still. Sometimes it's full of instant changes and sometimes so gradual you don't even realize it's changing. The only thing that doesn't change is the love of our Lord....He's the one that's with us always♥ I'm praying for Betty and Joe.

bulkleybunch said...

thanks for the perspective lesson. i need these everyday! xoxo