Saturday, April 17, 2010

Becky's Last Day

Today Anita and her girls came to visit Becky here. She clearly holds a special place in their hearts. There never is an unfilled moment when we all get together... constant random chatter but somehow we keep up with all of it.

We went to the park today to play Frisbee Golf . I clearly am the dangerous player because I can't seem to control where I throw the frisbee. Sometimes to the side and quite often backwards and they all have to make a quick duck. I ended up just taking pictures :)

Then we headed over to Brick Oven for dinner and home for four square. We topped it off later with our favorite Cold Stone ice cream. Becky is leaving tomorrow to go back to Tennessee and her men, I know she is glad to get back to them. We hold her close when she is gone. Love you Becky!
Love, Brenda


Zcook said...

It's always fun to see "mom." I'm glad she was able to come to your special day Brenda.


MSmith said...

Love your sister and family. You are the benchmark :)