Saturday, January 30, 2010

Put a B on my Forehead

Abby is my new workout partner and she is surprisingly on top of her game and pretty tough which is just what I need. She is not tolerating my excuses. Today we worked out, then cleaned up and went to Target to pick out cute notebooks for our food and exercise journals (thanks for the idea Amanda).

Abby wanted to check out the clothes and spend the rest of her Christmas money. There are very few things that bring out the worst in me... crowds, shopping, the dentist (unless I get the gas), politics... Target dressing rooms are one of them. My blood pressure begins to rise when I approach them. Have I told you how much I dislike the dressing rooms at Target? Sometimes they stick with their policy, sometimes they don't. We (I) embarrassingly go through the same routine each time... T=Target B=Brenda A=Abby

T: You can only take in 6 items at a time
B: Will you please watch our cart?
T: You will have to push your cart out of the dressing room area
B: But sometimes items are taken out of it
T: One person per dressing room
B: Excuse me... I am the parent. (We will never follow that rule I think to myself)
B: I take back our 6 items so I can get more... Please hold these 3
T: I am sorry we do not hold items, do you not want them?
B: I am not sure. But if I keep 3, then I can only bring in 3 more. What happens when we want to keep more than 6? Hmmm...
A: Mom, can't we just follow the rules like everyone else?
B: I always say to the dressing room girls before I leave, that I know this policy is not their fault. But it is dumb non the less. How do they begin to track shop lifters when there are piles of already-tried on clothes scattered all over the dressing rooms before we even go in? Why is 6 the magic number? Did you know Old Navy now let's you take as many as you want in?

Ugh! I have a lot to work on.

1 comment:

Becky said...

My non compliant sister...You are making things way too complicated. There may be rules at our Walmart here, but I know the clerks and everyone is so nice. Aahh, the benefits of a small town.