Sunday, December 13, 2009

Snowy Service

Yesterday, I was inside when I heard the scrapings of service outside. Ashlee was outside shoveling the sidewalks of heavy snow to surprise us. Ashlee always looks for ways to serve and jumps in with both feet never looking back. She is a doer and I know it brings her much joy in life... we are blessed to be her Mom & Dad.

It snowed for most of the day and night and this morning it is still lightly falling down. I love it! There is nothing more magical then a blanket of white... generally kills business at Pebbles though which is a big downsize. Last night we went to Brick Oven with Larry's family for his Dad's Bday. Two huge for the adults and one for the kids. With a big family, it's one of our favorite places to go because everyone can find find their favorite something to eat. Yum!
And then Larry and I braved the stores and went Christmas shopping.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Look at all that snow! You may have another year like last winter. Yes, Ashlee is always thinking of others....I can just picture her walking to your house through the blanket of snow, shovel in hand. Give her my love.