Sunday, November 30, 2008

Trimming Our Tree

Tonight we decorated our Christmas tree with the ornaments that we have made or collected through the years. Each one brings back memories, however old or homely it has become. My favorites are the ones the kids have made. I'd like to say that decorating our tree is always good family time, but to be honest, some years stink. You never know the quality of time you get with teenagers... sometimes they will each put up three ornaments from their own box and call it good, announcing the tree is perfect, instead of admitting they are just too lazy to hang them up.

We don't decorate a lot for any of the holidays. If Christmas shopping nearly throws me over the edge, then thoughts of putting up and storing Christmas decorations every year could possibly cause a full blown Christmas breakdown for me. This doesn't mean I don't enjoy & admire the decorating that others do... I just have to keep things simple at our place :)


Becky said...

"Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas Tree..." Looks like you had a wonderful time trimming your tree this year. Our nativity scene is up and the stockings are hung..still waiting on our tree this weekend (I'll take pictures!) Love you all.

Birrell Family said...

You're awfully lucky that you just go right out to your backyard and pick out your tree. Love you!