Monday, October 27, 2008

Buried in homework, but aren't my buttons cute?

Homework overload at our place and Kelsie is buried... explications, political issues, statistics, government homework and an essay on Should Community Service be Mandatory to Graduate?
All are due within several days of each other. And she has been on my laptop. How can I possibly blog?

Kids are pushed harder now. Times have changed. Where is the down time? I don't remember high school being this tough... of course, I don't remember taking homework home and I either didn't know or didn't care enough to take the ACT test. I went fishing in the afternoons when school got out.

Kelsie giggled all day last Thursday whenever she looked at her cute little buttons on her new shirt. I believe she has shown them to nearly all of her teachers too. She is quite taken with them and finds them very attractive.

1 comment:

Judi said...

Sending a happy BOO to you!