Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Ahhh! The residual odors of the basement flood at Pebbles over the weekend. I liken it to Hell. We worked in it for most of the day. It smells like an old rancid washcloth that has been lying in your kitchen sink for one too many days... you know the smell? Our throats are scratchy, our tummies ache and we don't even know if our lunches tasted good or not. In fact it was so bad, Josh & Lindsay didn't even complain I had fish for lunch... usually they pick up on that one right away. I think passing gas smells better than this. Needless to say it was early out day here at Pebbles. We are all headed home and we pray it smells better by morning...
Lindsay, Brenda & Josh


LinnieBell said...

that was bad...real bad. porta-potty bad. almost as bad as "brown pen" bad. in fact, i think i'd rather die smelling the "brown pen" than the smell of our room any day.

Brittany and Scott said...

wow brenda, so sorry to hear about the flood. hope you got things cleaned up ok. glad you moved over to blogspot; tons easier to see what you guys are up to this way. and your little conrad is getting so big, he looks so cute!!!

Mackey Family said...

Oh, how to describe the smell? "Brown pen" . . . very good! "Passing gas" . . . well, it depends on who is passing it. All I have to say is . . . if the smell still smells after being in the heart of it for more than 6 hours, it IS "HELL." Poor Pebbles, how have you survived all these years? Bless us all this week that we may find tolerance in Her smell. Amen!