Lilly McDowell of Picket Fence just sent over the video of Kelsie and Josh on their wedding day... and I thought it turned out delightful. Let it spool for a couple of minutes before you watch. After seeing myself (ugh), I feel better that I have at least started to eat healthy and am 10 pounds lighter with plenty more to go. I think the people most interested in seeing it one day will be their children and I am thankful we ended up doing one. Click here to see it...

Absolutely beautiful and I'm so glad I was there to enjoy their special day. I thought the videographer captured Kelsie and Josh perfectly...simple and pure love. She did a great job in the editing and music. Even though I imagine it was expensive to put that together, it will be something they'll cherish all their days. And I thought you looked beautiful too dear sis.
I love this video and I love this family!!!
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